We here at Big Menace Industries are working tirelessly every day to bring unavailing families around the world a range of products in an attempt to alleviate stupefaction, indolence, and unseemliness. No matter how insurmountable our task appears, we are dedicated to achieving our goal with the tenacity of a widened hand grasping at the last chip in the chip-tube!
That being said, it appears even we are not immune to the bungles of society's pencil-pushing simpletons. While pushing a pencil is within the realm of their capabilities it would seem pushing a button is a Herculean task. As we anticipate the ignition of our website we will have to make-do with this blog.
For now gaze upon our products, glorious as they are, and we will feverishly attempt to harness the internet in dastardly and superior ways.
BM out.
-- Big Menace Industries PR Team
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